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Photos page 5: South-East Africa

  East Africa  |   South-West Africa  

Many more fun & interesting pics in diary pages...

Went sailing on Lake Malawi from Senga bay, snorkelling around the island in the background.

Sunrises and sunrises over Lake Malawi

The local fishermen go fishing at night, most in tiny dugout canoes. During the night you would see their lanterns flickering across the water. There were sometimes as many as a hundred of them visible at one time.
The lanterns are used to attract the fish into their nets. They would return to shore at dawn, all singing together, their voices carrying over the water to where we slept in our tent.

Walking safari in Zambia's South Luangwa N.P.

Camping at Sunset, Luangwa river, Zambia.

What do elephants do in Mana Pools N.P. in Zimbabwe?

Circus tricks!!!

Sunrise - Mana Pools N.P.

Priscilla's new colours...

Hippo in the Matopas N.P.

Visiting Victoria Falls from Livingstone, after returning to Zambia

Living on the edge: swimming above the falls

The "Lunar Rainbow". This is a time exposure, taken at night during full moon,

More moonshine in the Falls N.P.

  East Africa  |   South-West Africa  

Rather excellent page design by adventureandrew