group pics
wallah wall
This site was all about WAMM, our big blue Kumuka truck driving all over South America, taking people to see all the best bits!!! It was open from about 2004-2006. The WAMM site was closed for a few years *sorry*. I recently bumped into an ex-passenger who mentioned that he still occasionally checked the site, and so I have decided to re-open the pages for any old passengers who woud like to reminisce about their travels!! Also - if you have emailed me below previously - I'm sorry I have not been receiving these, but I will now!!

Andrew :)

You are visitor number:
WAMM (our truck) tour leader Maz tour leader Kris driver Andrew

I was here for 6 years and LOVE South America. I was the best truck in the kumuka of fleet (if I say so myself!)
Unfortunately I am no longer on the road...

I am a South African chica, who spent a little over a year working in S.Am. I am now married to one of my passengers, and living in London!!

I am Kris. I spent a year aboard WAMM, and about 4 in South America. I have seen most of the continent, and can be found somewhere between Brisbane and Ecuador these days...

I am also a dodgy saffer, who has now married a friend of my tour leader Kris, and I now live in Brisbane, Australia!

pre-tour If you are about to start a trip, check out the pre-trip info, what to bring, and any last-minute local info/hints
groups All the group pics!!
wallah wall The themed wallah photos started by 2 men wearing panama hats.
photos Some of our favourite photos from along the way
stories Things that happen ON the truck, and off...
news The latest news including some pictures

ANY QUESTIONS/COMMENTS?? Contact us below...

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