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wallah wall
So you're booked on a tour with WAMM!! We have little doubt that the experience will leave you with a taste for more!! This page is here to give you a little last-minute info, and an introduction to WAMM.

What is WAMM?
WAMM is our truck. I'm afraid that we can't tell you what WAMM stands for. That's for you to figure out....

What does WAMM like doing best?
WAMM likes nothing more than driving around some of South America's toughest terrain (and she does it well!!)

What colour is WAMM?

What facilites does WAMM have?
WAMM is fitted with:

  • 24 comfortable seats.
  • An amplifier into which you can plug in any CD players, MP3 players or anything else that produces sound from a standard headphone connection.
  • Cooler boxes to keep your drinks cold.
  • A library.
  • A 220V charger for camera, ipod etc (no hairdryers allowed!!)
  • A fridge for food or medicines (sorry - no beer!)
  • A toilet
  • Air conditioning
If you believe the last 2, then you had better think again!!

What other things should I bring with?

  • Easy reading magazines never go amiss (FHM, Men's Health, Cosmo etc etc)
  • If you are doing Inca Trail Apr-Oct, a WARM sleeping bag (-10deg recc.)
  • A "Thermo-rest" type air matress - they are far superior to thin foam types.
  • Crew would appreciate seeing recent english newspaper!

What should I not bring?

  • Too much luggage - a standard backpack is ideal.
  • Excessive money in travellers cheques - A cashcard/credit card works in most places we visit, and are more convenient (if a little more expensive)
  • Avoid bringing $100 bills to Ecuador or Peru - they are not readily accepted.
  • Extra camera memory cards: I can burn CD's for $3ea
Download a few basic phrases in Spanish here.