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wallah wall

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Kristy & Steve joined us for a trip from Quito to La Paz (almost!!).
I was flattered to receive the following ode from them afterward:

The Love Affair between a Saffa and his Truck

This story began in South America 15 months ago,
When a saffa named “Andrew” starting working to earn dough;
The day soon came for him to meet “WAMM”,
And from then on she was part of the Lange fam.

WAMM is a big blue troop carrier,
And believe me if he could- Andrew would marry her;
Where’s WAMM is a glimpse of some unreal visited spots,
Oh and that’s Andrew other love, his Laptop, he loves it a lot.

In our lives we are all given 24 hours to work and to run,
And if Andrew had his way he’d be driving every one;
Twisting and turning through tunnels on the way,
The first shortcut to Huaraz, a very special day.

The tour includes unbelievable places and sights,
Nothing that you’d see if you took first class flights;
Andrew and WAMM spend their time driving endless miles,
but it’s when their reversing they have the biggest smiles on their dials.

WAMM is very particular with who lies in her bed,
That’s why the truck rules state only for Andrew’s head;
With an amp for your music and a microphone as well,
The truck will stop anywhere as long as you “yell”.

But if you want to see the driver start screaming “What the “F*#>K”,
Just start calling WAMM a bus and not a truck!
For the whole journey Andrew is totally sincere;
Even when the crew gets lost on a night on the beer.

The McPherson’s experienced this tour in June 05,
So excited to meet others and ready to thrive;
After 6 weeks on board there is only one thing to say,
“It’s All Good” live life for today!

So if you're planning a tour- don’t bother asking around,
Andrew and WAMM are the best to be found!

- Kristy & Steve McPherson

From Troy "sizzlin" comes the following:

"Fantastic to see the continuation of my magnificent drunken creation, the wallah wall. I have to take my "HAT" off to my brothers (and hopefully sisters!!) for upping the ante,
Keep up the good work"

- Sizz

(ED: Let´s hope he keeps his hat on...)

The next comment is from Dianne Rose who was one of my first ever passengers. What a great story!

"Being in the first trip that Andrew and Maz did through Patagonia and up into Chile changed my life. The trip itself was hell as I pinched a nerve in my neck and this created problems in the bouncing truck, but no way would I have swapped this experience for anything.

The best part is this trip gave me confidence to do anything and have since got married. Have 8 grandchildren too so not bad to survive a trip through South America and love it at my age. Thanks guys and God bless Maz on your new adventure."

The first story is an email from Kate Wonson who was brave enough to travel for 7 weeks from Santiago, via Patagonia to Rio carnival with WAMM. After the trip Kate decided to go to the jungle of Bolivia (on our reccomendation), but decided to use a different company instead. Below is Kate's story...

"I said i would report to you about the jungle, well time i realised was just too short so I ran to Rurrenabaque and went to the Bolivain Amazon instead.... what a nightmare and a long shaggy dog story, but basically got with a dogdy company and went on a 5 day trip right into the jungle which no tourists have done for 10yrs.

This incidentally was actually a hike suppose to be done in 7 days, and in order to get our onward pre booked travel we had to return the way we came. Of course this meant there was no boat to pick us up, so we built a raft. 7 HOURS later after drifting down the river, in the blazing sun with no water, we eventually get to this island, covered in huge alligator prints and sinking mud. We waited for a canoe to pass to take us back to the village!

The mozzies were horrendous (98 bites alone on my left arm - I look like i have german measles), the ants ate through the mozzie net and the panther paws by the campsite were a little worrying. But hey I survived, got a good story and even the more glad for my return home, so all good."

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